The total amount of funding available through the WEP is £1,500,000, which must be spent by 31st March 2025. If a project cannot demonstrate that it can be delivered before this deadline, it will not be considered for funding.
Grant applications must be for an amount between £10,000 and £50,000 and the funding is entirely capital based and so cannot be used for revenue schemes, such as ongoing financial support for projects.
Match funding in the form of cash contributions is not a requirement of the WEP, though the Council would expect to see an element of match in the form of volunteer time or similar non-financial contribution. Any evidence of match funding, in the form of a financial contribution and volunteer time or similar non-financial contribution, would be favoured.
Applicants must also show how they've reviewed alternative funding pots, outlining what these options are, if they've applied (and been successful) and why they've come to the conclusion of applying for the Ward Enhancement Programme. Including confirmation of other grants already pledged for the project. Also outlining support your Parish Council has provided towards the project.
The types of projects that can be funded through the WEP include:
- Funding towards the development of social infrastructure projects or activities, demonstrating where there is a need;
- Funding towards enhancing local green spaces, including the installation of new equipment, planting schemes, furniture and lighting (but not maintenance and running costs);
- Funding towards tourism initiatives, such as events including art and theatre performances, encouraging people to visit and explore the local area;
- Funding towards upgrading existing community assets or introducing initiatives to promote and celebrate local culture and heritage;
- Funding towards capital projects for local sports facilities, tournaments and leagues to bring people together;
- Capital funding towards digital infrastructure for local community facilities, for example new computer servers.
Applications requesting £30,000 or more will require a more detailed assessment
Any applications requesting £30,000 or more will have a financial review undertaken, with the following documents required:
- Last 2 years of accounts including a copy of the latest management accounts (management accounts or financial forecasts will suffice for organisations that have been trading for less than 12 months)
- Up to date balance sheet
Further detail is required in these applications with regards to:
- How the project will be delivered
- Progress to date on the projects e.g. any initial survey work, contact made with suppliers, funding being raised etc.
- How the grant will be claimed before the 31st March 25 (e.g. scheduling/when required).
- What will happen if the grant isn’t received for the project.
- The outputs/outcomes being met by delivering the project
- Any problems which may occur during delivery and how they will be overcome.
Support must be received and evidenced (either through emails or a letter of support) from the Parish Council and local community for the project