This page contains a record of executive decision records taken by officers and members under delegated powers from the Cabinet.
A list of Council Executive Decision Records (EDRs) is provided below. You can find an EDR by searching for the date it was signed or by the category of the EDR.
EDR Block
EDR Title | Category | Date |
117.24 Uttoxeter Christmas Lights Grant | Other | |
110.23 Award of funding to Burton Canoe Club through the Ward Enhancement Programme as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund | Planning and Regeneration | |
116.24 Approval for a Junior Park Run on Bramshall Park | Sports and Cultural Services | |
108.23 Award of funding to Princess Street Training and Education Centre through the Ward Enhancement Programme as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund | Planning and Regeneration | |
109.23 Award of funding to Burton Athletics Club through the Ward Enhancement Programme as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund | Planning and Regeneration | |
114.23 Council Tax Base 2024/25 | Council Tax and Business Rates | |
098.23 Selective Licensing Policy | Other | |
094.23 Award of funding to Making Trails Burton Barrel Roll through the Ward Enhancement Programme as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund | Planning and Regeneration | |
045.23 Rolleston Allotments lease renewal | Other | |
089.23 Market Hall Consultation | Markets |